domingo, 23 de mayo de 2010

hold a new day

like a wasp in my ear I feel a thousand rumbling movements, dizziness and incredible eats my brain, who I think cursing or just wondering if you did wrong one day someone accidentally I have  be paying the consequences of my actions. 
a sigh anomalies are real, and you can see me as I am, I come out from a blanket.I am covered in acid and acid handing voi where a butterfly way but reality shows me the time, the real of my situation and I think for a moment I can see. I can see what I am and so without further to do, no more than thinking, space stops and clears my mind, I'm in a world without time and my body to float as the air, inches from the ground with arms outstretched and my front to the clouds for a moment and knowing that nothing is as bad as it sounds I feel incredibly better ...if only there were butterflies all over the world so, throughout my day in my whole life, everything would be much better.
and better still not over, because at that moment I walk to see my love.

google traductor. me dio paja escribir x mi cuenta bye

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